Resumo da Reunião 21 fevereiro 2013
- Exchange Market (Mercado de Trocas):
- We participated in the market with the motto "É uma questão de questionar."
- As a first experience, our experience was good.
- The next one will be on March 16th. As an improvement, we decided to make
- an announcement on the event page so that people bring their pen-drives
- a guideline describing how to get to videos (pointing the list etc)
- Video project (O que fazem os professores):
- We will finalize the video by Sunday and share it on social media.
- We decided to have another version with English subtitles.
- Campaigning workshop
- The workshop consists of 3 parts:
- Campaign Objective
- Power Analysis
- Communication Strategy
- We only worked on Campaign Objective.
- New campaign
- In the workshop we considered the following problems
- tax immunities of the Catholic church
- atheists considered radicals and marginals in the society
- religious practices inside public schools (such as Christmas celebrations)
- religious discourse in public schools
- the fact that the lottery institution (supposedly a religious charity organization) owns many houses which are abandoned
- religious institutions control the lottery money
- church own the most amount of houses in Portugal and does not pay IMI
- there are too many religious schools
- We decided to work on Tax Immunities
- We tried to get a S.M.A.A.A.R.R.T objective for our campaign.
- We decided on some organizational objectives and milestones.
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